Disney revealed the first official trailer for the new animated anthology series of Star Wars shorts called Tales of the Jedi, yet another Dave Filoni project developed by Lucasfilm Animation. Filoni began writing the series while working on The Mandalorian, and revealed the first official details about it in May 2022. This new batch contains six episodes split into two "paths", one following the character Ahsoka Tano and the other depicting a young Count Dooku before his fall to the dark side. The voice cast includes Liam Neeson back as Qui-Gon, Micheál Richardson, Janina Gavankar, Matt Lanter, Dee Bradley Baker, and Ashley Eckstein. This is made in the same style as Filoni's previous series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. This just looks like a continuation of The Clone Wars, but it also seems badass. It's sad to see Dooku's downfall.